ND ❤️ Mom


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Starting Wednesday, visit this page and our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels each day in the lead-up to Mother's Day for a new video celebrating Notre Dame moms. 

We love our moms — and our grandmas, aunts, sisters, friends, and others who have played a mothering role in our lives. They can make us laugh, cry, and roll our eyes. They’re often the first person we look to for comfort, and the most likely to break out an embarrassing grade school story. They come in all different versions — some cook, some don’t; many work outside the home, others are full-time moms; some love ’80s rock, others are huge Swifties; they drive minivans and convertibles, have varying levels of tech savvy, and rock high heels and sneakers. This week, we pay a special tribute to all the ways in which our moms and mother figures have changed our lives for the better, from a mid-day phone call to a walk around our favorite campus.

Throughout the week, visit this page and our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter channels in the lead-up to Mother's Day for a new video celebrating Notre Dame moms and mother figures.

ND ♥️ Mom: Natalie on the Street

Join Natalie as she chats with students around campus for Mother's Day. 


ND ♥️ Mom: Tom on the Street

Join Tom as he chats with students around campus for Mother's Day. 


ND ♥️ Mom: That Wasn't There

Students look forward to parents visiting them at college, but when your mom (or grandma, or aunt, or dad) is a Domer, too, strap in for a walk down memory lane! 


ND ♥️ Mom: Day in the Life

Sophie '23 calls her grandma to share about a day in her life as a student at Notre Dame.